Why We Communicate
We communicate to seek information, to develop relationships, and to make meaning of our experiences. Through communication we fulfill four types of needs:
Physical Needs
- Personal communication is necessary for our well-being.
- Studies show that socially isolated people have more health problems and may die at earlier ages than people who have satisfying personal relationships.
Identity Needs
- Communication is the way that we learn who we are.
- The messages we receive from others influence our self-perception.
Social Needs
- Communication connects us to others.
- A variety of social needs is satisfied by communication: pleasure, affection, inclusion, escape, relaxation, and control.
Practical Goals
- Communication is used to get others to behave in ways that we want in order to have our needs met.
- Good communication skills are important in gaining and maintaining employment.
Source: R.Adler, N.Towne, and J.Rolls. LOOK, Second Canadian Edition. Nelson Education, 2015
Photo by V Cobham